from 95% alcohol, toluene and absolute alcohol, the bromide forms slightly brownish plates which soften above 129°a nd melt at 133-5 °. It is soluble in the cold in acetone or chloroform and sparingly so in alcohol, toluene, or ether. Kjeldahl: 0.3393 g. subst.; 12.7 cc. 0.1 N HC1.Calc, for CnHi402NBr: N, 5.15%. Found: N, 5.24%.^-Acetaminophenoxypropyl Cyanide (^-Acetaminophenyl-7-cyanopropyl Ether, p-Ac etaminophenoxybutyronitrile).-The cyanide was prepared as in the case of the ortho isomer, the yield from 27.3 g. of the bromide being 19.5 g. Recrystallized from absolute alcohol, it melts at 98-100°w ith preliminary softening. It dissolves readily in alcohol or acetic acid, difficultly in benzene. Kjeldahl: 0.2957 S-subst.; 27.0 cc. 0.1 N HC1. Calc, for Ci2H»02N2: N, 12.84%. Found: N, 12.79%.^-Amino-7-phenoxybutyric Acid Hydrochloride.-After saponification of the nitrile the reaction mixture was cooled to 0°and the salt filtered off. 10 g. of the nitrile yielded 6.3 g. of the hydrochloride. Recrystallized twice from 1 : 1 hydrochloric acid, using bone-black, it forms flat, grayish prisms which darken above 180°and melt at 191-4°t o a brown liquid. It is sparingly soluble in the cold in absolute alcohol and, in aqueous solution, gives a deep violet color with ferric chloride. 0.1828 g. subst.; 0.1125 g. AgCl. Calc, for CioHi303N.HC1: Cl, 15.32%. Found: N, 15.22%.^-Amino-7-phenoxybutyric Acid.-The free acid crystallized from an aqueous solution of the salt on adding sodium acetate solution. Recrystallized from a small volume of water, using bone-black, the acid forms lustrous, slightly brownish scales which melt at 145.5-6°(corr.) to a brown liquid. It is sparingly soluble in cold alcohol and in hot benzene. The amino acid is readily diazotized, coupling with R-salt to give a deeper red dye than is formed from the simple aminophenoxyacetic acids. Kjeldahl: 0.3215 g. subst.; 16.45 cc. 0.1 N HC1. Calc, for CioHiaOaN: N, 7.18%. Found: N, 7.17%. New York City.