Summary. The effects of various light intensities on in vivo increases in activities of phosphoriboisomerase, phosphoribulokinase and ribulose-1,5-diP carboxylase and on synthesis of chlorophyll were studied in greening leaves of Hordeutn vullgare L.Each enzyme was already present in dark-grown plants, but further increases in activities required both a light treatiment of the intact plant and a favorable temperature. The amount of enzymatic activity and chlorophyll developed was governed bv light intensity.Measured activities of phosphoriboisomerase and ribulose 1,5-diP carboxylase were highly correlated with synthesis of chlorophyll at all intensities studied. Measured activity of phosphoribulokinase was correlated with synthesis of chlorophyll only at saturating or near saturating light intensities. At decreasing light intensities the response curves of this enzyme differed from those of chlorophyll and of phosphoriboisomerase and ribulose-1,5-diP carboxylase. A lag period of phosphoribulokinase increased with decreasing light intensity. After the lag period a rapid rate of increase occurred which did not level off during 48 hours of illumination. Thus, a different control mechanism may be operative in inducing incrcased activity of this enzyme. (3,9), phosphoribulokinase (9), and ribulose-1,5-diP carboxylase (15,22), increased in activity during greening of barley leaves. Increased activity of phosphori,boisomerase (8) and ribulose-1,5-diP carboxylase (8,13) in greeninig leaves has been demonstrated, but the response of phosphoribulokinase has not been reported. Also, further' investigation was required to determine the response of each of the 3 enzymes in leaves greening at varying light intensity.The relationship of increasing enzymatic activitv to synthesis of chlorophyll in greening leaves is not clear. Several studies indicate a close correlation between the 2. Tromn (20) suggests that fraction 1 protein (23), which contains ribulose-1,5-diP carboxylace (17, 18,20,21), may be part of the protein constituent of protochlorophyll holochrome. This indicates an intimate relationship between synthesis of chlorophyll and that of ribulose-1,5-diP carboxylise. Another report (7) indicates that increased enzymatic activity may be related more to structural development of the chloroplast.The object of the present study was to determine how phosphoriboisomerase, phosphoribulokinase andl ribulose-1,5-diP carboxylase respond in plants treated with varying light intensities and, concurrently, to investigate the relationship of increasing enzymatic activity to synthesis of chlorophyll.