Nomenclature a p , b p , c p = fitness function weightings B = body frame B cm = center of mass of the vehicle in B D = D gain for proportional integral derivative e = error, generic Fe = fitness function I = inertial frame I B Bcm B = inertial tensor of B cm with respect to B, kg · m 2 , expressed in B I, k i = I gain for proportional integral derivative P, k p = P gain for proportional integral derivative q e = quaternion error from B to I r = position, generic, m u = input to the plant v = velocity, generic, m∕s v x , v y , v z = velocity of B cm with respect to I, m∕s, expressed in B x, y, z = position of B cm from I o , m, expressed in I x c , y c , z c= position setpoints, m δ c , δ r , δ p , δ y = thrust, roll, pitch, yaw commands ζ = damping ratio ϕ, θ, ψ = Euler angles from B to I, deg ψ c = yaw setpoint, deg ω = linear control bandwidth I ω B B = angular rate from B to I, rad∕s, expressed in B