The interaction of chlorohydridotris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(il) with NaOH or KOH in tetrahydrofuran, acetone, or t-butyl alcohol leads, depending on conditions, first to red, five-co-ordinate complexes RuH (OH) (PPh,),-(sol) (sol = thf or H,O) secondly to hydroxo-bridged dimers. (PPh,),H(sol) Ru(p-OH),Ru(sol) H(PPh,), (sol = Me,CO, H,O, or ButOH) and thirdly to a tetranuclear complex of stoicheiometry Ru,H,(OH),( PPh,),(CO),-Interaction of dichlorotris(triphenylphosphine)rufhenium (ll) with KOH gives similar compounds, RuCI(0H)-(PPh,),(sol), and {RuCI(OH)(PPh,),(sol)),(sol = H, O or thf) as well as (RuH(OH)(PPh,),(thf)),.The interaction of RuHCI(PP~,)~ with sodium methoxide gives rise to two compounds that are formulated. respectively as having RU-CHO and RU-OCH, groups, The mechanism of decarbonylation of alcohols isdiscussedand the compounds RuH,(CO)(PPh,),*ROH ( R = Me or Et) are synthesised. 1.r. and l H and 31P n.m.r. spectra of the various complexes are given and structures for the compounds proposed on this basis. Department, Imperial College, London SW7 2AY ( PPh3)6 (MeZCO) 2.ALTHOUGH some hydroxo-complexes of ruthenium have been known for nearly 90 years,l-lo no systematic attempts to prepare them have been reported, perhaps on account of the supposed lack of affinity between the hard OHligand and the presumed soft class B metal t No reprints available.