order to better understand the petrological characteristics
of gasification residues and trace element partitioning during entrained-flow
gasification processes, oil-immersion microscopy, X-ray diffraction,
scanning electron microscopy combined with an energy dispersive detector,
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, a Milestone DMA-80 Hg
analyzer, and pyrohydrolysis in conjunction with a fluorine ion-selective
electrode were employed to study samples collected from three commercial-scale
slagging entrained-flow gasifiers in Ningdong, China. Petrological
analysis indicated that dominant organic components in the residues
were inertiods, fusinoids, tenuinetworks, and crassisnetworks. In
addition, vitroplast and cenosphere were observed in coarse residues
produced from water–slurry coal gasification. The main inorganic
components were quartz, calcite, spinel, and a large amount of Al–Si
glass. After gasification, most trace elements were significantly
enriched in the residues. Critical trace elements Li, Be, Sc, V, Cr,
Sr, REEs, Th, Nb, Ta, Zr, and Hf were enriched in the coarse residues.
Critical trace elements Zn, Sb, Pb, and Bi were enriched in the fine
residues, which was in accord with volatilization–condensation
mechanism. The partitioning of trace elements was elucidated on the
basis of their relative enrichment. Fluorine showed various partitioning
behavior in three gasification processes. Mercury was the most volatile
element. Generally, trace elements from the GE gasification process
were less volatile; elements from the opposed four-burner gasification
were more volatile; and the volatile behavior of trace elements from
the Gaskombimat Schwarze Pumpe gasifier was intermediate.