The essential oils extracted by hydrodistillation from fivearomatic plants from Algerian West –Ammoїdes verticillata (Apiacae), Origanum glandulosum (Lamiacae), Thymus capitatus (Lamiacae), Rosmarinus officinalis (Lamiacae), Artemisia herba-alba (Asteracae), were tested with various amounts on the larvaeof Tineola bisselliella, under the conditions of laboratory (Temperature of 26°C and with a relative humidity of 75 %). These oilscaused a significant larvicidalactivity. The essential oils extracted from Artemisia herba-alba, Rosmarinus officinalis, Origanum glandulosum are most toxic with LD50of 5,92μL/50,24cm², 6,66μL/50,24cm², and 7,16μL/50,24cm² respectively, Ammoїdes verticillata present alittle variable toxicity with LD50= 7,95μL/50,24cm², whereas the essential oil of Thymus capitatus is the least toxic on the larves of T. bisselliella with one LD50de 9,81μL/50,24cm².The analysis of the chemical composition shows the richness of five essential oils in compounds known for their insecticidal properties like α-pinène, β-pinène, p-cymène, carvacrol, camphre, γ-terpinène, and1,8-cineole, what explains the results obtained.