DOI: 10.1109/lssc.2020.3018791
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A 2.67 μJ per Measurement FMCW Ultrasound Rangefinder System for the Exploration of Enclosed Environments

Abstract: This letter presents the design and experimental characterization of an ultrasound rangefinder system. A new distance measurement method is proposed for determining the relative position among sensor nodes that are operated in a collision and multipath rich environment, while needing no common time reference between them. A 65 nm CMOS technology has been used to build the sensor nodes, which comprise an on-chip receiver and transmitter. The proposed rangefinder system is characterized up to 1 m in air and has … Show more

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Cited by 4 publications
(11 citation statements)
References 9 publications
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“…The high-frequency harmonics of the SBPM are filtered out by the BBAMP, and the baseband signal is converted to the digital domain by the 10-bit SAR ADC [36]. A detailed report on the MAINRX can be found in [7], while some parts of this circuit are briefly discussed here for better readability. A Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA Board has been used as digital backend.…”
Section: High Level Description Of Hardware Blocksmentioning
confidence: 99%
See 2 more Smart Citations
“…The high-frequency harmonics of the SBPM are filtered out by the BBAMP, and the baseband signal is converted to the digital domain by the 10-bit SAR ADC [36]. A detailed report on the MAINRX can be found in [7], while some parts of this circuit are briefly discussed here for better readability. A Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA Board has been used as digital backend.…”
Section: High Level Description Of Hardware Blocksmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…9, a current starved auxiliary inverter, formed by M p1 and M p2 , is used in parallel to the main inverter (M 1 and M 2 ) to stabilize the DC level of the output node, V out . The gate of the auxiliary inverter is controlled via feedback by comparing V out to a reference voltage, V re f , and feeding back the error signal, V f b , amplified by the error amplifier, EA [7]. The auxiliary inverter can either source or sink a suitable current to the output node, thus keeping the output DC voltage at the desired value.…”
Section: Mainrx Circuit Designmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…ToF is proportional to the difference in frequency between the transmitted and the received signals [ 7 , 8 ]. To avoid multipath reflections, it is usual to shorten the continuous wave generating a Chirp signal, where the transmission frequency changes as a function of time, and the transmission time is limited to a pulse with a T sweep duration [ 9 , 10 , 11 ]. Chirp modulation and FMCW methods both achieve the same range accuracy, but the use of chirp signals allows to discriminate multi-target echoes.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Sensors 2021, 21, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 11 continuous wave generating a Chirp signal, where the transmission frequency changes as a function of time, and the transmission time is limited to a pulse with a Tsweep duration [9][10][11]. Chirp modulation and FMCW methods both achieve the same range accuracy, but the use of chirp signals allows to discriminate multi-target echoes.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%