“…MSA2 has been demonstrated in trophozoites, schizonts, segmenters and isolated merozoites by several techniques: using either poly-or monotional antibodies the protein was detect~t by imnmnoblotting [1,7] and immunopr~-cipitation of extracts from synchronous cultures [6,91,, ~md b~ IFA [1,9]. In the ring stages low MSA2 levels could be det~ted by immunoprccipitation [6] and immunoblotting [9] or,xtraeis t-~m synchronous cultures using polyclonai antibodies. Howcver, no antigen could be detected in rings by using single monoclona[ antibodies in IFA [I], immunoblotting o£ extn~cts from ring Abbrc~'ia;ions: {buffers used tbr immunop~'cipitation) T, 50 mM "rris.CI {pH S,0); E, 5 mM ED'i'-~ (pH 8,0): N, 0,5 M NaCl; Z, 5 mM Zwittergent 3-12 (Caibiochem-Behring~: A, I mg/ml bovine serum albumin: i, mix ofprotease inhibitors (2% aprotinin (Bayer): antipain, bcstatin and pcpstatin A (Sibm~a), each at I/Jglml: 2 mM phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride (BDH)).…”