Anal y sis of the fab ric of lam i nated black mudstones of the Ore-Bear ing Czêstochowa Clay For ma tion (Bathonian, south ern Po land) is used for re con struc tion of sed i men tary pro cesses and con di tions. Small-scale sed i men tary fea tures in di cate that ore-bear ing clays were de pos ited be low storm-wave base in a shal low epicontinental sea, but struc tures re flect ing quiet settling from sus pen sion are not com mon. Most of rec og nized lamina types re cord the ac tiv ity of bot tom cur rents gen er ated by storms. The ben thic fau nal as so ci a tion in di cates that suboxic con di tions pre vailed on the sea-floor, re strict ing infaunal ac tivity to cryptobioturbation. Re cur rent short-lived reoxygenetion events, linked prob a bly to storms, re sulted in the de vel op ment of dysoxic con di tions, re corded by a more di verse trace fos sil as so ci a tion (con sist ing of Chondrites, Trichichnus, pyritized bur rows, Palaeophycus and Protovirgularia) and col o ni za tion of the sea-floor by epifaunal bi valves (Bositra). Truly anoxic con di tions might have been briefly es tab lished, lead ing to mass mor tal ity of Bositra.Key words: black mudstones, par al lel lam i na tion, storm de pos its, ichnofabric, bot tom ox y gen a tion, Ore-Bear ing Czêstochowa Clay For ma tion.
INTRODUCTIONMid dle Ju ras sic black mudstones in south ern Po land, referred to as the Ore-Bear ing Czêstochowa Clay For ma tion, have re cently re ceived in creas ing in ter est as re gards their palaeo ec ol ogy. The sed i men tary en vi ron ment of these dark, or ganic-rich rocks that are for the most part strongly bioturbated and rich in di verse ben thic fauna still in spires study. In con trast to the grow ing vol ume of lit er a ture on this de posit (for sum mary see Zatoñ, 2011), sedimentological stud ies re main scarce (Merta and Drewniak, 1998; Gedl et al. 2006a, b, c;Leonowicz, 2012) and un der stand ing of the sed i men tary processes, which largely de ter mined bot tom con di tions, has been poor. This study in te grates microstructural and ichnofabric anal y sis in re con struct ing sed i men tary pro cesses, en vi ron mental en ergy and palaeo ec ol ogy of the sea-floor. It fo cuses on lam i nated mudstones of the Ore-Bear ing Czêstochowa Clay For ma tion, crop ping out in the cen tral part of the Silesian-Cracow Up land in south ern Po land (Fig. 1).The Ore-Bear ing Czêstochowa Clay For ma tion is composed of dark grey, or ganic-rich, cal car e ous mudstone with sev eral ho ri zons of sid er ite and cal car e ous con cre tions, clayey sid er ite bands and sub or di nate in ter ca la tions of sand stone (Dayczak-Calikowska and Kopik, 1973). The greater part is strongly bioturbated and rich in di verse ben thic fos sils; lam inated, sparsely fossiliferous mudstones are much less common. Geo chem i cal and pet ro graph i cal stud ies point to de po sition on a well-ox y gen ated sea-floor with si mul ta neously dysoxic or even anoxic con di tions pre vail ing within the sed i ment (Marynowski et al., 2007...