We explore possible effects of vacuum energy on the evolution of black holes. If the universe contains a cosmological constant, and if black holes can absorb energy from the vacuum, then black hole evaporation could be greatly suppressed. For the magnitude of the cosmological constant suggested by current observations, black holes larger than ∼ 4 × 10 24 g would accrete energy rather than evaporate. In this scenario, all stellar and supermassive black holes would grow with time until they reach a maximum mass scale of ∼ 6 × 10 55 g, comparable to the mass contained within the present day cosmological horizon. The past several years have presented us with two important and intriguing developments concerning the nature of our universe:[A] Observations of distant supernovae [1] strongly suggest that the Hubble expansion departs from that expected for a purely matter dominated cosmology. The leading explanation for this departure is a cosmological constant contribution to the energy density of roughly half the critical density, i.e., ρ V ≈ ρ cr /2 ≈ 10 −29 g/cm 3 h 2 ≈ (0.003 eV) 4 h 2 , where h is the present day Hubble constant in units of 100 km s −1 Mpc −1 so that 0.4 < h < 1. The corresponding energy scale of the vacuum is thus T vac = 0.003 eV h 1/2 .[B] The observational evidence for black holes has passed a threshold of firmness so that black holes can now be considered as "discovered". This observational evidence can be found in three different settings: the three million solar mass black hole in the center of our galaxy [2], supermassive black holes in the centers of external galaxies [3], and stellar mass black holes within our galaxy [4]. Thus far, however, no evidence has been found for smaller black holes [5], which presumably have a primordial origin.Given the existence of both black holes and a cosmological constant, an interesting physical process can potentially occur: The black holes can accrete energy from the vacuum and grow larger with time [6]. The usual conceptual description of a cosmological constant is that seemingly empty space is not really empty, but rather is continually seething with virtual particles, which must contribute a net positive energy density. Within this picture, the virtual particles can be accreted by black holes. Given the (almost) one-way nature of a black hole's event horizon, more energy will enter the black hole than will be released and the black hole can gain energy and thereby grow larger. In this letter, using the explicit assumption that this accretion process is viable, we explore the possible effects of a non-vanishing 2 cosmological constant on the future evolution of black holes.Building on earlier work [7,8], Mallett [6] performed the relativistic calculation of an evaporating black hole embedded within a background spacetime endowed with a cosmological constant. The original motivation was to determine the effects of the vacuum energy on the evaporation of black holes during the inflationary epoch, but the results apply to the present case as wel...