During embryonic and postnatal skeletal development, the shape and length of bones is determined by the activities of the growth plate cartilage. Growth plate cartilage promotes elongation of long bones via regulation of chondrocyte matura tion that is reflected in morphologically and functionally unique cellular domains. 1 Toward the distal (epiphyseal) end resides the resting (or reserve) zone that is composed of the least mature chondrocytes. 2 These resting zone chondrocytes are progres sively recruited into the proliferative zone, where cell cycle ac tivation and changes in cell morphology and cell organization result in expansion of isogenic columns of chondrocytes along the axis of growth. 3 As columns lengthen, chondrocytes at the proximal (meta physeal) end of the column withdraw from the cell cycle and increase in volume (hypertrophy) in two steps that are char acteristic of the prehypertrophic and the hypertrophic chon drocytes. 4,5 Growth is generated from chondrocyte hypertrophy through increased cell mass and deposition of specialized ma trix. 6 Hypertrophic chondrocytes are subsequently replaced by bone through the process of endochondral ossification. 7 Thus, continuous growth over the twodecade span of human devel opment requires tight coordination between cell production in the resting and proliferative zones, and cartilage loss in the hy pertrophic zone. Chondrocyte maturation in growth plate cartilage is coordi nated by a complex paracrine signaling network that is rooted
AbstractDefining the final size and geometry of engineered tissues through precise control of the scalar and vector components of tissue growth is a necessary benchmark for regenerative medicine, but it has proved to be a significant challenge for tissue engineers. The growth plate cartilage that promotes elongation of the long bones is a good model system for studying morphogenetic mechanisms because cartilage is composed of a single cell type, the chondrocyte; chondrocytes are readily maintained in culture; and growth trajectory is predominately in a single vector. In this cartilage, growth is generated via a differentiation program that is spatially and temporally regulated by an interconnected network composed of long and shortrange signaling mechanisms that together result in the formation of functionally distinct cellular zones. To facilitate investigation of the mechanisms underlying anisotropic growth, we developed an in vitro model of the growth plate cartilage by using neonatal mouse growth plate chondrocytes encapsulated in alginate hydrogel beads. In bead cultures, encapsulated chondrocytes showed high viability, cartilage matrix deposition, low levels of chondrocyte hypertrophy, and a progressive increase in cell proliferation over 7 days in culture. Exogenous factors were used to test functionality of the parathyroidrelated protein-Indian hedgehog (PTHrPIHH) signaling interaction, which is a crucial feedback loop for regulation of growth. Consistent with in vivo observations, exogenous PTHrP stimulated cell pr...