Background: Community health center have a strategic role in providing primary services, including family health services and monitoring. Family health is the main foundation for the welfare of society as a whole. Through good service at the family level, various health problems can be identified and treated early, preventing the potential
Purpose: To measure and evaluate the success of community health centers in providing family health services.
Method: Descriptive research with the main data source coming from community health center performance evaluation documents. Data collection was carried out at the Wanasaba Community Health Center, East Lombok Regency. The data used in this research were obtained from various public health center performance evaluation documents, such as activity reports, health service records, and other related documents. Data analysis in this research will be carried out using a descriptive approach, where data obtained from performance evaluation documents will be described and interpreted in depth.
Results: This evaluation shows that several aspects have gone well, but there are also aspects that require further attention. Health promotion, it can be seen that the dissemination of health information through electronic media reached a good achievement level of 98.30%. In terms of environmental health, it reaches a good level. In improving community nutrition, the results showed good success in efforts to prevent and control disease, successfully implementing various disease control activities (96.69%). In terms of public health services, it achieved a good achievement level of 92.2%. When turning to family health, there are several areas that require further attention because the percentage is smaller than other areas. Overall, the family health aspect is included in the poor category (74.74%).
Conclusion: There are good achievements in several aspects, but there are still several shortcomings and potential improvements. Overall, community health centers have taken positive steps in improving work programs, one of which is family health, especially in maternal health and family planning. However, continuous efforts are needed to improve achievements in certain aspects, such as the health of children under five, the health of school-aged children, the health of adolescents and the health of the elderly.
Suggestion: For future researchers, it is important to deepen their understanding of the local context and involve active community participation in the design and implementation of research.