In this paper, two structures of n-and p-type dopingless MOSFETs have been presented and compared with conventional n-and p-type doped MOSFETs. The different regions of dopingless devices (n-and p-type dopingless MOSFETs) have been realized by using metal work function engineering: a charge plasma concept. The simulation studies of the doped (n-and p-type doped MOSFETs) and dopingless (n-and p-type dopingless MOSFETs) devices have been performed using Atlas 2D simulator. It has been observed that the dopingless devices outperform the conventional doped devices by sizeable margin. The various performance measuring parameters in which dopingless devices shows improvement in comparison with conventional doped devices are ON current (I on ), cutoff frequency ( f T ), subthreshold swing (SS). A comparative analysis for DL-nMOSFET shows 19% improvement in I on , 24% in f T , 1.5% in SS, approximately seven times in DIBL, and 38% in I on /I off . Almost similar improvement has been seen in DL-pMOSFET when compared conventional doped pMOSFET (D-pMOSFET). Besides this, Complementary MetalOxide Semiconductor (CMOS) inverter has been designed using doped-and dopingless-based MOSFETs. A significant improvement of 34.2% in switching delay has been achieved in the dopingless CMOS-based inverter. Further, it has been observed that the process variation effect at device and circuit level are almost negligible in dopingless-based devices and circuit configuration in comparison with conventional doped counterpart.