“…The concept of effective or successful breastfeeding has been used to describe the individual breastfeeding session (Jensen, Wallace, & Kelsay, 1994; Matthews, 1988; Nyqvist et al, 1996), the characteristics of several breastfeeding sessions across a short duration, such as 24 hours (Johnson, Brennan, & Flynn‐Tymkow, 1999; Shrago & Bocar, 1990; Tobin, 1996), or the duration of breastfeeding in weeks or months (Hamelin & McLennan, 2000; Janke, 1994; Langley, 1998; Leff et al, 1994). For the purposes of this analysis, the concept of effective breastfeeding was reviewed in relation only to the interactive process that occurs during the individual breastfeeding session.…”