Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease responsible for the high unhealthy and mortality indicators. Although several attempts of interventions have been done to control the disease and take in the chronic disorder incidence, the issues are very fearful. The primary attention of health is essential for diabetic's accompaniment (DM), especially on The Family Health Program (USF) that builds up a prior strategy for the model assistancial restruction, on SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde). That way, to appreciate the psychosocial side and the real health conditions of people with DM must be important. This study had as objective: to identify how DM holder's and user's of The Family Health Unit (USF) at the countryside of São Paulo evaluate their everyday duties, leisure, works and relationships; to characterize the clinical conditions and the life's style of these people. Finally, to check the relation among theirs everyday self-portrait, leisure, works, relationship, theirs clinical conditions and style of life. This is a no experimental study, correlate with a quantitative approach, It was measure, 152 diabetes mellitus holder's from a Family Health Unit (USF) at Sorocaba-SP by catechism answers, going over test and handbook evaluation. The sample was constituted, on bulk, for womanly people (59,2%),with middle age about 58,22 years old, married (57,9%),catholic (58,6%),with low level teaching, low monthly pay and no formal works (48%). The DM diagnoses demanded about 9,25 years. The population bulk (42,7%) used oral hypoglycemic agents as medical therapy. The presence of chronic complications were refereed for the research entrants (44,2%), the retinopathy is most frequently among them (86,7%),they've reported a bad glicemic control and most of them were overweight. The entrants have done a regular evaluation for the psychosocial and they've had the best credit to the relationship and the worst to leisure. About the style of life and self-care more than a half of DM holder's refered to awake better after a good nighttime,77,6% haven't smoked or drunk alcoholic beverage,50% of the research entrants haven't practiced any kind of sports' activity and the bulk of them have done their own pharmacy or USF monitored in an irregular shape. Both men and women with high level teaching have better evaluated their own psychosocial profile. Men have smoked more than women and old people have smoked and drunk alcoholic beverage than younger. High level teaching people have more right self-monitor pratices. Low month income people reported more difficulty to sleep but who had a good sleep and had practiced some kind of sports activity d better evaluated about their own life and had better glicemic control too. So, it was possible to identify that the psychosocial and socialdemographics going can be connected at the DM holder's health worthiness.It've to be reputed for health professionals on USF. More studies that point out the psychosocial influence over the DM control and others chronic degenerated diseases have to be developed...