“…While such a behavior has also been reported for kinesin-1 (Khataee and Howard, 2019;Pyrpassopoulos et al, 2020), KIF1A appears to be more sensitive to vertical forces than single kinesin-1 motors, which appear to resist detachment under load better (Brenner et al, 2020;Carter and Cross, 2005;Ramaiya et al, 2017;Svoboda and Block, 1994). A high loaddependent detachment rate may be due to the fact that KIF1A spends most of its mechanochemical cycle in a one-head-bound state, at least under unloaded conditions (Zaniewski et al, 2020), and provides a mechanism for why KIF1A gives up easily when forced to compete with kinesin-1 motors in driving cargo transport (Arpag et al, 2019;Arpag et al, 2014;Norris et al, 2014). Interestingly, kinesin-2 (KIF3A/KIF3B) and kinesin-5 (Eg5) motors also have a tendency to detach at moderate forces in optical trap assays (Andreasson et al, 2015;Korneev et al, 2007;Milic et al, 2017;Schroeder et al, 2012;Shimamoto et al, 2015;Valentine and Block, 2009;Valentine et al, 2006) and to give up easily when in competition with kinesin-1 (Arpag et al, 2014).…”