Couceiro, Iakyra Borrakuens; von der Weid, Jean Pierre (Advisor). Interferometric Primary System for Length Measurements and Applications in Nanometrology. Rio de Janeiro, 2013. 108p. D.Sc. Thesis -Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.In this work are presented the results related to the development of a primary interferometric system, the Linnik interferometer for length measurements of samples in the micrometer and nanometer scales. The experimental system has been characterized and optimized to provide traceability to step height, used as the reference standards in length scale. The main sources of uncertainty were evaluated, and the flatness of the artifact was the parameter with the highest contribution to the final uncertainty. The stability of the reference system can be demonstrated through the reproducibility that was evaluated over several weeks. This system also served as the basis to provide traceability to the SI for optical instruments such as OCT and confocal microscopes AFM, the latter two being used in the field of nanotechnology. These instruments were calibrated using step heights, as transfer standards, that were previously evaluated in Linnik interferometer. Therefore, it was established the traceability in length scale for some institutes in the country.