Surficial (oxic) sediments, overlying water, and specimens of the freshwater bivalve Anodonta grandis were collected by divers at 11 littoral lacustrine sites located along a geochemical gradient of pH, [Cd], Dl, and [Z n in an area influenced by mining and smelting activities. The molluscs were dissected (gills; 1 hepatopancreas; remaining tissues) and analyzed for Cd, Cu, Zn, and metallothioneins (MT). Tissue concentrations of MT in A. grandis varied between 100 and 440 nmol metal binding sites (g dry wt-l. Metallothionein levels in the gills, the remaining tissues, and the whole organism were significantly correlated (P < 0.01) with tissue Cd concentrations.In contrast, correlations between [MT] and tissue levels of Cu or Zn were weak or nonexistent. The intersite variations in MT concentrations were best related, not to total dissolved metal concentrations at the time of sampling, nor to extractable metal concentrations in the sediments, but to the free Cd2+ concentration at the sediment-water interface, as estimated from sediment-water sorptive equilibria. These observations suggest that Cd2' activity is the key environmental factor to which metallothionein levels in A. grandis are responding in the studied lakes. The mollusc condition indices (C.I. = 1,000 x total dry wt of flesh of the animals/total intervalval volume) deteriorated as Ld concentrations in the tissues increased.Freshwater and marine molluscs are recognized for their capacity to concentrate metals from their environment (Phillips 1980). Their tolerance of the resulting metal burdens has been attributed to the existence of an effective detoxification mechanism involving the trapping of the incoming metals by specific ligands present in the cytosol (Viarengo 1989). Possible candidates for this role include metallothioneins (MT), low-molecular-weight, cysteine-rich metal-binding proteins with high affinity for group IB and IIB metal ions. Stability constants measured in vitro for metal ions such as Cd2+, Cu2+, Hg2+, and Zn2+ are