The paper presents the results of the use of iron nanotubes as the anode material of lithiumion batteries. To assess the degradation of the morphology of nanostructures after different numbers of cycles of life tests, the method of scanning electron microscopy, Mossbauer spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction analysis were applied. It is shown that the decrease in discharge capacity starts at the 380th cycle and is caused by the onset of degradation processes of nanostructures due to the formation of amorphous inclusions and an increase in macrostresses and distortions in the structure. The complete degradation of the structure is observed after the 492nd life cycle test. According to the data obtained by Mossbauer spectroscopy, it has been established that an increase in life cycles leads to an increase in contribution of partial spectrum characteristic of a paramagnetic state. That indicates an increase in degradation rate of nanostructures and an increase in the content of impurity inclusions and amorphous formations in the crystal structure.