The exchange equilibria of several amino acids, with particular
emphasis on those displaying
two basic groups, on a strong-acid cation exchange resin (Amberlite
IR120) are investigated.
The behavior of the experimental data is described through a
mathematical model which takes
into account the dissociation equilibria of amino acids in aqueous
solution, the electroneutrality
condition, and an ion-exchange isotherm recently proposed in the
literature. In the latter, by
assuming ideal behavior for both the solution and the solid phase, the
exchange process is treated
on the basis of the mass action law, while the existence of a
distribution of two types of functional
groups with different energies is assumed in order to describe the
resin heterogeneity. The
developed model is then used in order to satisfactorily correlate
binary uptake data and to predict
with good accuracy the uptake of amino acids in multicomponent