Editorial on the Research Topic Orogenic gold depositsThis Research Topic comprises papers submitted on the geology, geochemistry, and mineralogy-petrography of orogenic gold deposits. The accepted papers include detailed mineralogical analysis and regional-scale contributions from different geological terranes, which aim to bridge the gap between laboratory studies and fieldwork of different scales (e.g., He; Zhen et al.; Li et al.; Yan et al.).Orogenic gold deposits are found in metamorphic terranes spanning from the Paleoarchean to the Tertiary. These deposits contribute approximately one-third of the world's total gold production (Goldfarb and Groves, 2015; Groves et al., 2020;Nassif et al., 2022). Orogenic gold deposits occur in different tectonic settings in subduction-related accretionary to collisional terranes. Worldwide exploration of gold deposits has focused on the orogenic belts of different ages, geological backgrounds, tectonic settings, and formation processes (e.g., Hronsky et al., 2012). Since the 1980s, studies from different parts of orogenic terranes focused mainly on the controls on ore formation, the source of metals, the ore-forming fluids, and the mineralizing processes. Several studies have presented evidence for and against certain models of orogenic gold ore genesis in recent years. This Research Topic focuses on the source of ore-bearing fluids and discusses the main controls and genesis of orogenic systems and associated ore deposits. The area of research covers a broad range of geographical locations.The goal of this Research Topic is to better understand the geological processes triggering the transport and deposition of metals (Au, Ag, Sb, As, Hg, etc.) over space and time, main controls on ore, and alteration of mineral assemblages. The topics related to SI are summarized below:• Detailed alteration mineralogy-petrography studies critical to understanding many of the studied deposits, which were complicated by the following tectonic and metamorphic overprint. • The geochemistry, and origin of granitoids, which act either as a source for orebearing magmatic-hydrothermal fluids or as a heat source for remobilization of the earlier mineralization. • Isotope geochemistry and integrated fluid inclusion studies focus on mixing fluids from different sources or later overprints to test the convenience of metamorphic models.The papers describe the mode of occurrence, ore petrography, structural geology, metamorphic petrology, and geochemistry. The contributions to this Research Topic range