The chemical composition of six oil samples, isolated from aerial parts of Elsholtzia blanda, E. penduliflora and E. winitiana, harvested in two provinces of Vietnam, was investigated by GC, in combination with retention indices (RI), GC/MS and 13 C NMR spectroscopy. Linalool was the major component (75.2 and 56.8%) of the two samples of E. blanda essential oil, whereas the two oil samples from E. penduliflora were dominated by 1,8-cineole (62.7 and 65.5%). Conversely, the two oil samples of E. winitiana exhibited different compositions, rosefuran (56.0%) and dehydroelsholtzia ketone (22.8%) being the major components of one sample, whilst the second sample was dominated by elsholtzia ketone (87.5%).