“…It is encouraging that there has been so much recent progress in lattice studies of fourdimensional N = 1 SYM and N = 4 SYM, along with their dimensional reductions to d < 4, where the consequences of supersymmetry breaking due to the discrete lattice space-time can be kept under control. There have also been advances in other areas of lattice supersymmetry that this brief review omits, in particular lattice studies of theories without gauge invariance, such as Wess-Zumino models and sigma models [4-8, 111-115, 204-207], as well as lattice investigations of the Green-Schwarz superstring worldsheet sigma model [208][209][210][211]. While supersymmetric QCD and sign problems present challenges that may be difficult to overcome, the overall prospects of lattice supersymmetry are bright, with many compelling opportunities for future work.…”