The present manuscript for the first time reports a novel one-step wet chemical approach to synthesize about 150-300 nm wide graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) by reduction of graphene oxide (GO) using malonic acid as a reducing agent. The optical, X-ray diffraction, high resolution transmission electron microscopy, Raman, Infrared, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and 13 C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) demonstrated the effective reduction of GO. The average thickness of GNRs has been estimated by atomic force microscopy at 3.3 ± 0.2 nm, which is reduced significantly to 1.1 ± 0.5 nm upon annealing at 300 0 C (GNRs-300). In the process of nucleation and growth, the intermediate(s), formed between the malonic acid and GO undergo twisting/folding involving supramolecular interactions to yield ̴ 0.15 to 1 mm long curled GNRs. 13 C NMR demonstrates a significant increase in sp 2 character of nanoribbons following the order: GO < GNRs < GNRs-300 as was also evidenced by the conductivity measurements. GNRs exhibited high specific capacitance value of 301 F/g at 1 A/g with good cyclic stability for 4000 charge-discharge cycles at 15 A/g, and high energy density/power density (16.84 Wh/kg / 5944 W/kg) in aqueous electrolyte demonstrating their tremendous potential as electrode material for energy storage applications. T im e (h ) Wav elen gth (nm ) Absorbance (a.u) 253 nm 231 nm 303 nm 256 nm 262 nm C