NW Iberia Variscan allochthonous terranes Detrital zircons JA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating GeodynamicsLA-ICP-MS U-Ph ages of detrital zircons from eight silicic1astic samples from the Basal units of the Variscan allochthonous complexes of NW Iberia are used to establish the maximum depositional age and provenance of two tectonically-stacked metasedimentary sequences deposited on the outermost margin of Gondwana, and subsequently involved in the Rheic Ocean suture. The maximum depositionai ages for the two sequences is latest Neoproterozoicand latest Cambrian, respectively. The age spectra are also used to discuss the paleoposition of the NW Iberian basement on the continental margin ofGondwana prior to the opening of the Rheic Ocean, which is tentatively placed in northern Africa, between the West African and Saharan cratons. Based on similarities and differences with age data from the NW Iberian autochthon and other allochthonous terranes involved in the Rheic suture, the relative proportions of Mesoproterozoic zircons in both assemblages are proposed as markers of proximity to the eastern part of the West African craton during late Neoproterozoic and late Cambrian. The geodynamic processes that took place along this part ofGondwana during the late Neoproterozoic, late Cambrian and Early Ordovician are discussed in the light of the LA-ICP-MS results, as well as the sedimentological record, magmatic evolution and plate tectonic setting of NW Iberia. These processes are linked to late Neoproterozoic and Cambro-Ordovician subduction events beneath the northern Gondwanan margin.