“…A wide range of agents are available, with the antihistamine meclizine (H 1 receptor antagonist) being widely prescribed for many conditions associated with vertigo and to manage motion sickness (Hain, 2017). Various steroids have also been advocated for vertigo‐associated pathologies and methylprednisolone improved recovery of peripheral vestibular function in patients with vestibular neuritis (Strupp et al, 2004), and more recently, positive outcomes have been reported with Ménière's disease and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (Patel et al, 2016; Pérez, Franco, Oliva, & López Escámez, 2016). Nonetheless, these agents have associated side effects, with sedation being a common drawback of antihistamines, and in many cases, their efficacy in reducing vertigo is questionable (Strupp, Zwergal, Feil, Bremova, & Brandt, 2015).…”