The unit commitment problem nowadays is widely used in the electric power sector. The problem was first time formulated in the 1940-s and still developing both methodologically and by including an additional number of technologies each of which has a different unique mathematical treatment corresponding to the specific technology's behavior. The common characteristic of the problem such as that is dedicated to the electricity production sector, hence the mathematical formulation is following pure electricity sector transformation but during the last years the Power-to-X technologies are implemented and their further development is expected in the future. This requires the advancement or at least modification of the problem formulation to meet possible exchange and usage between different types of energy within one integrated power system. The goal of the article is to further development of the existing versions of the unit commitment problem, which are dedicated to the operation of the generation in the power system by implementing additional equations allowing contemplation of the heat energy-producing technologies which are dedicated to cover a heat-energy load of the district heating systems. This should allow for conducting comprehensive studies of the simultaneous operation of electric- and heat-generating technologies to meet the energy demand of local energy systems, which is important for designing distributed generation mix, for example at a municipal level. The proposed mixed integer linear generation unit commitment model for simultaneous heat and electric daily load covering is described in the article. The proposed model in addition to the pure electric power balance also meets heat load using only-heat technologies (fuel boilers), combined heat and power units, and also industrial-scale electric boilers - which are converting electricity to heat energy. Keywords: mixed integer linear model, unit commitment problem, integrated power system, electric boilers, power-to-X technologies, conventional electricity generating technologies.