“…As an alternative to GS2, gymnosperms possess GS1a, which, although cytosolic, performs a GS2‐like function, namely photorespiratory NH 4 + reassimilation (Cánovas et al ., 2007). Indeed, as is the case with GS2, GS1a is mainly expressed in photosynthetic tissues, and its gene expression is light‐dependent (Cantón et al ., 1999; Valderrama‐Martín et al ., 2022). This fact, together with the findings regarding GLN2 mutants in Arabidopsis (Ferreira et al ., 2019; Hachiya et al ., 2021), demonstrate that GS subcellular location is not essential for plant survival, but probably for the coordination of GS gene expression with photosynthesis and photorespiration, as is the case for GS1a in conifers.…”