“…On the use of CFD codes for sub-channel analysis, CFD simulations have been performed for PWR fuel assemblies to estimate the single-phase velocity and temperature fields (Ninokata and Merzari, 2007), secondary flow in rod bundles (Baglietto and Ninokata, 2004), turbulent flow structures and mixing across the narrow gap between rod bundle sub-channels (Chang and Tavoularis, 2008). Various CFD models have been adopted including RANS (Chandra et al, 2009) or URANS (Merzari et al, 2007(Merzari et al, , 2008 with different turbulent models k-ε (Baglietto and Ninokata, 2005), LES (Biemüller et al, 1996) and DNS (Ninokata et al, Thermal hydraulic considerations of nuclear reactor systems: Past, present and future challenges 13 2004; Baglietto et al, 2006). Applications of CFD for the prediction of two-phase flow velocity, sub-cooled boiling for void distribution in Krepper et al (2007b).…”