“…Thermal comfort has been defined and studied both in the lab and field, primarily in the commercial sector (Arens, et al, 1998;Brager, Paliaga, & de Dear, 2004;Fanger, 1970;Humphreys & Nicol, 2002;Leaman & Bordass, 2001). Many factors have been found to influence thermal comfort, such as air temperature, radiant temperature, air speed, humidity, level of clothing/activity (American Society for Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 2004;Fanger, 1970;Nicol & Humphreys, 2009) as well as psychological, behavioral, and physiological influences (Beshir & Ramsey, 1981;Humphreys & Nicol, 1998;Karjalainen, 2007;van Hoof, Kort, Hensen, Duijnstee, & Rutten, 2010).…”