In this article we present a new model for correlating dynamic viscosity of binary strong
electrolyte solutions. The proposed model is based on Eyring's absolute rate theory and the
Debye−Hückel model for calculating the excess (electrostatic) free energy of activation of the
viscous flow. In the present model we consider that the free energy of activation of the viscous
flow as being the same as the appropriate thermodynamic free energy used for calculating
equilibrium properties of the electrolyte solution. Modifications of Eyring's absolute rate theory
must be performed to take into account the solvent as a continuous medium, as considered in
the Debye−Hückel theory. This is accomplished by means of the osmotic-pressure framework
for solutions. In this framework one adopts a thermodynamic free energy, which is considered
as a function of the absolute temperature, pressure, number of moles of the solute species, and
chemical potential of the solvent. The proposed model contains two adjustable parameters that
have been fitted by means of experimental viscosity data of the literature. The total number of
21 binary electrolyte systems (at 0.1 MPa and 25 °C) with different solvents (water, methanol,
ethanol, and 1-butanol) have been studied. The calculated viscosity values are in good agreement
with the experimental ones. The overall average mean relative standard deviation is 0.52%.