For n ≥ 3 and r = r(n) ≥ 3, let k = k(n) = (k 1 , . . . , k n ) be a sequence of non-negative integers with sum M (k) = n j=1 k j . We assume that M (k) is divisible by r for infinitely many values of n, and restrict our attention to these values. Let X = X(n) be a simple r-uniform hypergraph on the vertex set V = {v 1 , v 2 , . . . , v n } with t edges. We denote by H r (k) the set of all simple r-uniform hypergraphs on the vertex set V with degree sequence k, and let H r (k, X) be the set of all hypergraphs in H r (k) which contain no edge of X. We give an asymptotic enumeration formula for the size of H r (k, X). This formula holds when r 4 k 3 max = o(M (k)), t k 3 max = o(M (k) 2 ) and r t k 4 max = o(M (k) 3 ). Our proof involves the switching method. As a corollary, we obtain an asymptotic formula for the number of hypergraphs in H r (k) which contain every edge of X. We apply this result to find asymptotic expressions for the expected number of perfect matchings and loose Hamilton cycles in a random hypergraph in H r (k) in the regular case.