This paper considers a particular renewal-reward process with multivariate discounted rewards (inputs) where the arrival epochs are adjusted by adding some random delays. Then this accumulated reward can be regarded as multivariate discounted Incurred But Not Reported (IBNR) claims in actuarial science and some important quantities studied in queueing theory such as the number of customers in G/G/∞ queues with correlated batch arrivals. We study the long-term behavior of this process as well as its moments. Asymptotic expressions and bounds for the quantities of our interest, and also convergence result for the distribution of this process after renormalization, are studied, when interarrival times and time delays are light tailed. Next, assuming exponentially distributed delays, we derive some explicit and numerically feasible expressions for the limiting joint moments. In such case, for an infinite server queue with renewal arrival process, we obtain limiting results on the expectation of the workload, and the covariance of queue size and workload. Finally, some queueing theoretic applications are provided.AMS 2000 subject classifications: Primary 60G50, 60K30, 62P05, 60K25.