THIS is a selec ted li st of gla ciological litera ture on th e sc ientific study o f sn ow a nd ice and of their effec ts on the E a rth ; for th e litera ture on pola r expeditions, a nd also o n th e " a pplied " asp ec ts of glaciology, su ch as snow ploughs, readers should consult the hibliogra phies in ea c h issue of th e P olar R ecord. For Russia n m a teria l the system o f transliter a ti on used is tha t agreed by the U.S . Board on G eogra phic N a m es a nd the Perma nent Committee on G eographical N a mes for British Offic ia l U se in 194 7. R ead ers ca n grea tl y assist by sending reprints of their publications to the Soc iety, or b y informing Dr j . W . Gl en of publica ti ons of gl aciol ogi cal interest. It should be noted th at th e Society d oes not necessarily hold copi es of the item s in this list, a nd also that th e Society does no t possess fa c ilities fo r mi c rofilming or pho tocopying.
GENERAL GLAGIOLOGYBJORNSS ON, H . Hugl eioing urn jokla ra nns6knir a i sla ndi. } okull, AI' 20, 1970, p . 15-26 . [Genera l acc ount of m od ern glaciologi cal th eories a nd techniques; measurem ents o f g lac ier va ri a tions a nd proposed researc h proj ec ts in I ce la nd . English summ a r y, p. Vo!. 56, No. 6, 1972, p. 2678 [Study ofme1tin g lin es a nd tr ipl e points in vo lving the me tas ta bl e phase ice I V produced b y using nucleators for both H 2 0 a nd 0 ,0 . I sotope effec t on transitions.] FLETCHER, )/. H. Structura l aspects of th e ice-water sys tem. Reports on Progress in Physics, Vo!. 34, No. 10, 197 [ [p ub. [972], p. I nternational, B, Vo!. 32, No. 2, 1971 , p. 979-B . [Observatio ns of processes occurring when ice cr ystallizes on a pell et im mersed in fl owing brine. Abstract of Ph .D . thes is, University of Illinois at U rba na-Champaign, 1970. University Mic rofilm s ord er no. 7 1-1 4806.] j ENEVEAU, A., and SIXOU, P . Dipolar rel axa ti on a t low tem pera ture of ice single c rystal. Solid S late Communications, Vo!. 10, No. 2, 1972, p. 191 -94. [Observation of depola ri zation thermocurrents of ice single crystals show two peaks attribu ted to Bj errum defec ts and ioni c sta tes.] J ONES, D . R . H ., and CHADWICK, G. A. Experimental measurement of solid-li q ui d interfac ia l energies : the icewater-sodium c hl oride system . J ournal of Crystal Growth, Vo!. 11 , No. 3, 197 ' , [Cha nge in interfacia l e nergy with NaCI concentra tio n.] KROH, j. , and STRADOWSKI, C. R adiol ysis of a lkalin e ice conta ining additives. R adiochemical and Radioanalytical L ellers, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1972, p. 169-77