ABSTRACT. It is known that physical disruption of cell contacts induces apoptosis of thymocytes. When thymocytes from LEC and WKAH rats were incubated in vitro at 37°C for 0-6 hr and then the proportion of apoptotic cells was determined using a flow cytometer, it was found that the percentages of apoptotic thymocytes from both LEC and WKAH rats increased with incubation time and that the proportion of apoptotic cells from LEC rats was significantly higher than that from WKAH rats at each incubation time. The fact that cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, did not show significant inhibitory effects on induction of apoptosis of thymocytes indicates that induction of apoptosis during in vitro cultivation did not require de novo protein synthesis. When thymocytes from LEC and WKAH rats were X-irradiated in vitro at 4 and 8 Gy, the percentages of radiation-induced apoptotic cells increased with post-incubation time after X-irradiation in both LEC and WKAH rat thymocytes and the proportions of apoptotic cells from LEC rats were significa ntly higher than those from WKAH rat cells at 2 and 4 hr post-incubation after X-irradiation. When thymocytes from LEC and WKAH rats were X-irradiated in the presence of cycloheximide, the induction of apoptosis was substantially inhibited, indicating that radiationinduced apoptosis of thymocytes from LEC and WKAH rats required de novo protein synthesis. The present results showed high sensitivities of thymocytes of LEC rats to induction of apoptosis during in vitro cultivation and by X-irradiation. KEY WORDS: apoptosis, LEC strain rat, protein synthesis, thymocyte, X-irradiation.