“…The findings reported in this article add to the empirical evidence that comprehenders track various dimensions of situation models during language comprehension (e.g., Gernsbacher et al, 1992;Zwaan et al, 1995a,b;de Vega, 1996;Rinck and Bower, 2000;Therriault et al, 2006;Kang et al, 2019); and that the comprehenders' situational models capture information about a character's emotional and actions states (e.g., de Vega, 1996;Borghi, 2004;Horchak et al, 2016;Horchak and Garrido, 2020a). Whereas most previous studies focused their efforts on understanding how multiple dimensions of the situation model (e.g., protagonists, intentionality, causation, etc.)…”