ABSTRACT. Perelman has discovered two integral quantities, the shrinker entropy
A natural conjecture asserts that g(t)/t converges as t → ∞ to a negative Einstein manifold in some weak sense (in particular ignoring collapsing parts). If the limit is known a-priori to be smooth and compact, this statement follows easily from any monotone quantity that is constant on expandersSmall, large and distant parts of a Ricci flow are known to be modeled by various kinds of Ricci solitons: Steady, shrinking, and expanding. Perelman has discovered monotone quantities corresponding to the first two of these. The functional F is monotone on the Ricci flow and constant precisely on steadies [25, Section 1]. The shrinking, or localizing, entropy W is monotone in general and constant precisely on shrinking solitons [25, Section 3]. Closely related is the notion of the (backward) reduced volume [25, Section 7]. The latter two show that developing singularities and ancient histories are modeled on shrinkers, when an appropriate blowup, or blowdown is taken [25,27].In this note, by tweaking some signs, we observe similar monotonicity formulae for the expanding case. In Section 1, analogous to [25, Section 1], we define an expanding, or delocalizing entropy W + , which is monotone in general and constant precisely on expanders. It follows from Math Subject Classifications. Primary: 58G11.