R)-3-methylcyclohexanone (R-3MCHO) has been shown to adsorb enantiospecifically on naturally chiral Cu surfaces vicinal to the Cu(110) plane. Adsorption of R-3MCHO on seven Cu single crystal surfaces vicinal to (110) was studied using temperature programmed desorption. These surfaces include Cu(110), Cu(771), Cu(430), Cu(13,9,1) R&S and Cu(651) R&S . The Cu(13,9,1) R&S and Cu(651) R&S surfaces are naturally chiral surfaces with terrace-step-kink structures. Enantioselective adsorption of R-3MCHO takes place on the chiral kink sites of these surfaces. Three R-3MCHO desorption features were resolved in the TPD spectra on Cu(13,9,1) R&S and Cu(651) R&S surfaces. Based upon comparisons between these and other Cu single crystal surfaces, they were assigned to desorption of R-3MCHO from flat terrace, close-packed step and kink sites. The desorption of R-3MCHO from the row and trough structure of the Cu(110) surface resembled desorption from a step structure rather than from a flat Cu(111) terrace. R-3MCHO desorbs enantiospecifically from the Cu(13,9,1) R&S and Cu(651) R&S surfaces. The peaks associated with R-3MCHO desorbing from the R-and S-chiral kink sites on Cu(13,9,1) R&S differed in temperature by 2.4 ± 0.8 K. This corresponds to an enantiospecific difference in the desorption energies of 0.7 ± 0.2 kJ/mol, with a preference for R-3MCHO adsorption at the R-kinks. In contrast, R-3MCHO has a desorption energy from the S-kinks on the Cu(651) S surface that is 0.7 ± 0.2 kJ/mol higher than from the R-kinks on the Cu(651) R surface.