“…1), referred to as neonicotinoids, are used worldwide as agrochemicals (Matsuda et al, 2001Tomizawa and Casida, 2005). In addition, neonicotinoids are employed in animal health as flea repellants (Mencke and Jeschke, 2002;Rust, 2005). Most neonicotinoids are partial agonists of native (Nagata et al, 1996;Deglise et al, 2002;Ihara et al, 2006) and recombinant (Shimomura et al, 2002(Shimomura et al, , 2004Ihara et al, 2003Ihara et al, , 2004Matsuda et al, 1998Matsuda et al, , 2005 nAChRs, but some antagonize the acetylcholineinduced responses of native insect neurons (Salgado and Saar, 2004;Ihara et al, 2006) and others show superagonist actions (Ihara et al, 2004).…”