Objectives. The purpose of this study was to test empirically two major conceptualizations of parent-child relations in later adulthood-intergenerational solidarity-conflict and ambivalence paradigms-and their predictive validity on elders' quality of life using comparative cross-national data.Methods. Data were from a sample of 2,064 elders (aged 75 and older) from the five-country OASIS study (Old Age and Autonomy: The Role of Service Systems and Intergenerational Family Solidarity; Norway, England, Germany, Spain, and Israel). Multivariate and block-recursive regression models estimated the predictivity of the two conceptualizations of family dynamics on quality of life controlling for country, personal characteristics, and activity of daily living functioning.Results. Descriptive analyses indicated that family solidarity, especially the affective/cognitive component (called Solidarity A), was high in all five countries, whereas conflict and ambivalence were low. When I entered all three constructs into the regression Solidarity A, reciprocal intergenerational support and ambivalence predicted quality of life. Controlling for activity of daily living functioning, socioeconomics status, and country, intergenerational relations had only a weak explanatory power, and personal resources explained most of the variance.Discussion. The data suggest that the three constructs exist simultaneously but in varying combinations, confirming that in cross-cultural contexts family cohesion predominates, albeit with low degrees of conflict and ambivalence. The solidarity construct evidenced relatively robust measurement. More work is required to enhance the ambivalence measurement.
SOCIAL gerontology has witnessed few conceptual and theoretical conflicts since the debate over disengagement theory more than 40 years ago. Recently, however, a controversy has developed over two competing paradigms of parentchild relations in later life: the solidarity-conflict model versus the intergenerational ambivalence model. These offer different conceptual lenses for understanding complex family relationships in societies undergoing social change. They provide different ways to understand microlevel interpersonal relations and macrolevel structural forces and the interactions between them. The clash is between social psychologists, who developed and tested the longstanding solidarity-conflict paradigm (Bengtson & Roberts, 1991;Parrott & Bengtson, 1999); and critical theorists, who advocate applying the concept of ambivalence to intergenerational relationships (Connidis & McMullin, 2002b;Luescher & Pillemer, 1998).The premise of the solidarity-conflict model is that levels of cohesion and conflict predict parent-child relations and their consequences in later life; the ambivalence model states that adult intergenerational relations revolve around sociological and psychological contradictions. Further analysis of the two paradigms can enrich researchers' understanding of the complex social phenomena involved in family relations in later life...