“…This pump does not transport ammonia directly but generates, by acidifying one side of a given membrane, a partial pressure gradient for NH 3 , which can then diffuse along this gradient either directly through the lipid bilayer (Goldman and Rottenberg, 1973) or via Rh proteins, functioning as NH 3 channels (Gruswitz et al, 2010). The participation of the V-ATPase in ammonia transport processes has been confirmed for many systems investigated so far, such as those in the gills of crustaceans (Weihrauch et al, 2002) and fish (Weihrauch et al, 2009;Wright and Wood, 2009), the epidermis of planarians (Weihrauch et al, 2012b), fish skin (Shih et al, 2008) and for the ammonia-uptake mechanism in the lepidopteran midgut (Weihrauch, 2006). Finally, in the year 2000, Marini and co-workers discovered that members of the Rhesus protein family, when expressed in yeast are able to mediate ammonia transport (Marini et al, 2000).…”