It is important to be able to characterise foods and feedstuffs according to their available amino acid contents. This involves being able to determine amino acids chemically and the conduct of bioassays to determine amino acid digestibility and availability. The chemical analysis of amino acids is not straightforward and meticulousness is required to achieve consistent results. In particular and for accuracy, the effect of hydrolysis time needs to be accounted for. Some amino acids (for example, lysine) can undergo chemical modification during the processing and storage of foods, which interferes with amino acid analysis. Furthermore, the modified amino acids may also interfere with the determination of digestibility. A new approach to the determination of available lysine using a modified in vivo digestibility assay is discussed. Research is required into other amino acids susceptible to structural damage. There is recent compelling scientific evidence that bacterial activity in the small intestine of animals and man leads to the synthesis and uptake of dietary essential amino acids. This has implications for the accuracy of the ilealbased amino acid digestibility assay and further research is required to determine the extent of this synthesis, the source of nitrogenous material used for the synthesis and the degree of synthesis net of amino acid catabolism. Although there may be potential shortcomings in digestibility assays based on the determination of amino acids remaining undigested at the terminal ileum, there is abundant evidence in simple-stomached animals and growing evidence in human subjects that faecal-based amino acid digestibility coefficients are misleading. Hindgut microbial metabolism significantly alters the undigested dietary amino acid profile. The ileal amino acid digestibility bioassay is expected to be more accurate than its faecal-based counterpart, but correction of the ileal amino acid flow for amino acids of endogenous origin is necessary. Approaches to correcting for the endogenous component are discussed.Protein: Amino acid availability: Lysine: Digestibility: Bioassays Abbreviation: FDNB, 1-fluoro-2, 4-dinitrobenzene.