Programmed cell death (apoptosis) is a normally occurring process used to eliminate unnecessary or potentially harmful cells in multicellular organisms. Recent studies demonstrate that the molecular control of this process is conserved phylogenetically in animals. The dadâ1 gene, which encodes a novel 113 amino acid protein, was originally identified in a mutant hamster cell line (tsBN7) that undergoes apoptosis at restrictive temperature. We have identified a dadâ1 homologue in Caenorhabditis elegans (Ceâdadâ1) whose predicted product is > 60% identical to vertebrate DADâ1. A search of the sequence databases indicated that DADâ1âlike proteins are also expressed in two plant species. Expression of either human dadâ1 or Ceâdadâ1 under control of a C.elegans heatâshockâinducible promoter resulted in a reduction in the number of programmed cell death corpses visible in C.elegans embryos. Extra surviving cells were present in these animals, indicating that both the human and C.elegans dadâ1 genes can suppress developmentally programmed cell death. Ceâdadâ1 was found to rescue mutant tsBN7 hamster cells from apoptotic death as efficiently as the vertebrate genes. These results suggest that dadâ1, which is necessary for cell survival in a mammalian cell line, is sufficient to suppress some programmed cell death in C.elegans.