During solidification, solute-induced convective instabilities at the solid -liquid interface can result in the formation of defects such as freckles and misoriented grains in superalloy single crystals. These defects can be particularly detrimental to the properties of single crystal nickel-base superalloys. Unfortunately, detailed understanding of fluid flow at the scale of the dendritic structure has yet to be fully understood, particularly under conditions in which heat extraction is non-axial. The objective of this research is to develop a technique for quantifying the dendritic structure and morphology at the solid -liquid interface for the purpose of providing direct input into computational fluid flow modeling. Using the RoboMET.3D serial sectioning system, threedimensional datasets of dendritic structure at the solidification front have been obtained for René N4 abruptly decanted during solidification. Distribution and arrangement of solid and liquid in the vicinity of dendrite tips is analyzed and the implications for defect formation are discussed.