In a previous paper (Rountree, 1951a) it was reported that complement fixation occurred wben coli bacteriophase T5 reacted with its homologous antiserum in the presence of complement. By cyanide lysis during the latent period. T5 infected cells were shown to synthesize antigenic material reacting iu tin* fomplcnient fixation test at a stage in the phage growtli cycle at which few or no infective phage particles could be demonstrated. It was postulated that the final step in phage multiplication, i.e. the production of complete infective partieies takes place in the last part of the latent period after a pool of tbis antigenically reacting material has been accumulated.In the present paper an account is given of the production of antipbage sera ill rabbits and of the use of these sera in studying the phenomena of pbage adsorption and multiplication. A staphylococcal phage, .3A of Wilsou and Atkinson's (1945) series of typing phages. and its host strain, 284. have been used since it was desired to see if results comparable with those obtained with the T5-eoli system could be obtained witb a different phage-host system. No evidence of lysogenicity in strain 284 was obtained in a previous study (Rountree. 1949a). The presence of lysogenicity cannot, however, be excluded since a suitable indicator strain for a carried phage may not be available.
METHODS.Phnge eonnis were mnde hy the surface agar plating method, each plate accommodating 4 inopul.-i of 0-01 ml. each.Phnge adanrption wns measured bv titiation of free ph.ige in the supernatants of infented broth cultures centriftiged at various timea after addition of the phage.Phage neutraiizing antibody wns titrated by the method of Burnet, Keogh and Laah (1937).