“…Except for hydrophobic interaction, electrostatic interaction can also act as the driving force for targeting cell membranes 35 . In addition, comparing to one-photon (OP) excitation, two-photon (TP) excitation use a low-energy NIR laser as the light source, which has less tissue damage and deeper tissue penetration, and can be used with greater spatial precision which is beneficial for the treatment of deep tumors 28 , 36 - 42 . Thus, in this study, a two-photon photosensitizer ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complex with two positive charges was chosen as the hydrophilic moiety due to its good photochemical stability, good two-photon properties, high singlet oxygen yield, low dark toxicity, and good hydrophilicity 36 - 38 , 43 - 46 .…”