“…More specifically, the role played by space in the analysis of different topics concerning the labour market at the macro level has attracted much attention. For instance, studies have analysed the differences in the unemployment rates among territories (e.g., countries, regions) and their persistence in time (Molho, 1995; Jimeno & Bentolila, 1998; Overman & Puga, 2002; López‐Bazo, Barrio, & Artis, 2002; López‐Bazo, Barrio, & Artís, 2005; Filiztekin, 2009; Kondo, 2015; Halleck‐Vega & Elhorst, 2016; Cuéllar‐Martín, Martín‐Román, & Moral de Blas, 2019). Furthermore, other studies have focused on the role that space plays in the process of matching individuals in the labour market (Haller & Heuermann, 2016).…”