Review of Proposed Goals: Suspensions of solid particles in liquids appear in numerous applications, from environmental settings like river silt, to industrial systems of solids transport and water treatment, and biological flows such as blood flow. Despite their importance, much remains unexplained about these complicated systems. Mucha's research aims to improve understanding of basic properties of suspensions through a program of simulating model interacting particle systems with critical evaluation of proposed continuum equations, in close collaboration with experimentalists.Natural to this approach, the original proposal centered around collaboration with studies already conducted in various experimental groups. However, as was detailed in the 2004 progress report, following the first year of this award, a number of the questions from the original proposal were necessarily redirected towards other specific goals because of changes in the research programs of the proposed experimental collaborators. Nevertheless, the modified project goals and the results that followed from those goals maintain close alignment with the main themes of the original proposal, improving efficient simulation and macroscopic modeling of sedimenting and colloidal suspensions. In particular, the main investigations covered under this award have included 1. Sedimentation instabilities, including the sedimentation analogue of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability (for heavy, particle-laden fluid over lighter, clear fluid).2. Ageing dynamics of colloidal suspensions at concentrations above the glass transition, using simplified interactions.3. Stochastic reconstruction of velocity-field dependence for particle image velocimetry (PIV).4. Stochastic modeling of the near-wall bias in "nano-PIV".5. Distributed Lagrange multiplier simulation of the "internal splash" of a particle falling through a stable stratified interface.6. Fundamental study of velocity fluctuations in sedimentation.7. Parallelization of Mucha's "sort-and-sweep" sedimentation code.Details about publications and collaborators are provided topic-by-topic in the sections below.