This thesis contains research results on Gallai-Ramsey theory and its generalizations, which were obtained by the author with collaborators between September 2017 and February 2021. Apart from an introductory chapter (Chapter 1), the reader will find six closely related technical chapters (Chapters 2-7), which are mainly based on the research results that the author obtained when he was working as a PhD student at Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an and the University of Twente.Chapters 2 and 3 focus on determining the exact values of Gallai-Ramsey numbers for several graphs. The other chapters mainly focus on studying various generalizations or variants of Gallai-Ramsey theory. In Chapter 4, we consider two extremal problems related to Gallai-colorings. In Chapter 5, we study the Erdős-Gyárfás function with respect to Gallai-colorings. In Chapter 6, we present a forbidden rainbow subgraph condition for an edge-colored graph to have a highly-connected monochromatic subgraph. In Chapter 7, we deal with the rainbow Erdős-Rothschild problem with respect to 3-term arithmetic progressions.
Papers underlying this thesis[1] Gallai-Ramsey numbers for a class of graphs with five vertices, Graphs and Combinatorics 36 (2020), 1603-1618 (with L. Wang). (Chapter 2) [2] Extremal problems and results related to Gallai-colorings, Discrete Mathematics 344 (2021), 112567 (with H.J. Broersma and L. Wang). (Chapters 3 and 4) vii viii Preface [3] The Erdős-Gyárfás function with respect to Gallai-colorings, submitted (with H.J. Broersma and L. Wang). (Chapter 5) [4] Forbidden rainbow subgraphs that force large monochromatic or multicolored k-connected subgraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 285 (2020), 18-27 (with L. Wang).(Chapter 6)[5] Integer colorings with no rainbow 3-term arithmetic progression, submitted (with H.J. Broersma and L. Wang).