and his advice during my studies. Also, all members of the PhD comity that red and evaluated this thesis.Prof. dr. Christian Griesinger for accepting me in his NMR department at Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, all scientific support and interest in my research. It was a great advantage to work in such an environment, having access to the most modern equipment and coming in contact with so many challenging projects. Equally for the nice atmosphere, including the yearly departmental excursions.Dr. Marc Baldus for all guidance during my PhD studies from the level of introducing me to the field of solid-state NMR up to exploring the limits of what the modern instrumentation can do. My first contact with NMR was in the lab of Prof. de Groot from Leiden University where I spent few months during my master studies and at the end of my stay I met Marc who gave me a short introduction in GAMMA and impressed me with the style the he just brought fresh from MIT. At that time, I have seen the very promising applications of solid-state NMR to biology. I was happy for the opportunity to become a PhD student in the group that Marc started in Göttingen and be involved in development of new methods and applications for the study of membrane proteins. These years have been a fruitful and stimulating experience.Prof. dr. Huub J. M. de Groot from Gorlaeus Laboratories, Leiden University, The Netherlands, for giving me the first chance to work with NMR. I spent many nice moments in Leiden in the company of his family.Dr. Stefan Becker for many discussions about molecular biology and importance of function-structure relationship. In particular, for the very interesting Phospolamban project that he proposed and all efforts that he pursued during its study.The group of Prof. dr. Eckhard Mandelkow from Max-Planck-Unit for Structural Molecular Biology in Hamburg for the protein Tau paired helical filaments. In particular, Dr. Martin von Bergen for his constant support and interest that considerably motivated and inspired this project.Brigitta Angerstein that always helped me in dealing with the most challenging samples -membrane proteins reconstituted in oriented lipid bilayers. Her expertise and 'magic' hands finally made the samples to orient, roll and spin. Not last, for her friendly and carrying feelings.Als Schüler mit einer Leidenschaft für Physik las ich viele Bücher über die Geschichte der Physik. Darin tauchte der Name eines Ortes besonders oft auf: Göttingen. Vielleicht war es wegen der großen Forscher und ihrer Leistungen, die in diesen Büchern beschrieben wurden, daß ich Physiker werden wollte. Zu dieser Zeit hätte ich aber nie gedacht, daß ich an einem Ort promovieren würde, dessen Name so 'resoniert' wie Göttingen.Ich hoffe, ich kann etwas von dem Geist mit mir nehmen, der Größen wie Gauss, Planck oder Heisenberg genährt hat.Este o experient ¸ȃ deosebitȃ contactul cu oamenii altor t ¸ȃri şi culturi. Pe lȃngȃ realizȃrile din timpul doctoratului am avut ocazia sȃ mȃ confrunt cu multe situat ¸ii. Mai ...